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Contact lens eye drops specifically tailored for your lenses can help prevent protein build-up by lubricating and rewetting them, and daily rinsing and cleaning.

Use an enzymatic cleaner in combination with multipurpose solution to effectively cleanse contacts and breakdown protein deposits, as per instructions on its packaging. Soak accordingly.

1. Disinfect the Contacts

Most contact lens solutions contain ingredients like boric acid and detergents that work to clean and disinfect lenses as well as remove protein through ingredients that cause the solution to bubble when coming in contact with proteins on contact surfaces.

Some types of contact lens solutions contain enzymes to remove proteins and prevent them from adhering to your contacts’ surfaces. You can find this kind of liquid solution during daily disinfection with multipurpose disinfectants.

If you wear soft contact lenses and experience discomfort while wearing them, it could be an indicator that they have denatured proteins or lipid deposits attached to their surface that irritate your eyes or allow harmful bacteria to stick onto them. Speak to an eye care provider about ways to avoid such issues and keep your eyes healthy while wearing contact lenses.

2. Rinse the Contacts

Protein buildup is an increasingly prevalent issue for contact lens wearers. It manifests itself in the form of an opaque layer on lenses and reduces their transparency, often leading to discomfort and blurred vision.

To reduce protein buildup on your contacts, it is best to practice proper daily cleaning habits. Rinse them before inserting them and store them in disinfecting solution in between uses. Also try not smoking as smoking contributes to protein accumulation; additionally avoid applying makeup and skincare products that transfer directly onto the contacts as these may bind with proteins in a similar fashion.

To disinfect contact lenses, place each one in your palm and apply several drops of multipurpose solution. Rub back and forth gently using your index finger, before rinsing again with fresh multipurpose solution. Alternatively, hydrogen peroxide solutions may work – though you may require neutralizing tablets as part of their solution regimen – if that’s what works for you – consult an eye care professional about which solution would best meet your needs.

3. Dry the Contacts

To reduce protein build-up on contact lenses, a good routine is crucial. Start by washing hands with soap without moisturizing ingredients and drying them on a lint-free towel before touching contacts. Next, carefully clean and rinse your lenses daily using multipurpose solution as instructed by an eye care provider and use an enzymatic cleaner (in liquid or tablet form) regularly according to their recommendations to improve cleanliness and remove protein deposits.

If your eyes are susceptible to protein deposits, speaking to an eye care professional about changing contact lens materials might help. Newer ones are less likely to deposit protein than traditional soft and rigid lenses.

No matter the brand or formula of contact lenses, it is crucial not to rub them. Rubbing can expose them to bacteria and microorganisms that cause Acanthamoeba Keratitis eye infection, potentially leading to vision loss and blindness.

4. Rub the Contacts

Eye drops designed specifically for contact lenses can keep eyes moist and help reduce protein buildup, but cannot disinfect against bacterial contamination. Therefore, it is vital that fresh multipurpose solution be used on a daily basis in order to cleanse contacts thoroughly.

To reduce protein deposition on contact lens materials, consult with an eye care professional for advice on cleaning routines and solutions tailored to you. They may even suggest materials which are less prone to protein deposition.

Protein buildup in hard or soft contact lenses is crucial to enjoying comfortable and clear vision, so follow these simple home remedies to prevent protein accumulation and achieve crystal-clear vision. Your eye doctor can assess tear films, monitor contact lens use and suggest preventative measures to ensure optimal eye health and fit for you to ensure crystal clear vision.

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