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As soon as your bearded dragon’s eyes appear swollen or have liquid discharge, this is an indication of infection and must be addressed quickly in order to treat.

Home remedies for bearded dragon eye infection include warm baths and gentle cleaning. Furthermore, it’s also essential that the enclosure be kept tidy, choosing a substrate which won’t irritate its eyes.

1. Ofloxacin eye drops

Reptiles can become susceptible to eye infections if not cared for properly and require regular check-ups with a veterinarian in order to stay healthy. This involves cleaning their enclosure on a regular basis, providing sufficient substrate, adding UVB lighting, as well as feeding a balanced diet while managing their habitat temperature and humidity levels correctly.

Even with all these precautions in place, beardies may still develop an eye infection which causes redness, swelling and discharge in their eyes. This condition could be caused by foreign bodies (dirt or sand) entering their eyes, injuries sustained from eye accidents, bacteria or viruses entering through tear duct blockages or corneal ulcers or nutritional deficiency (Vitamin A deficiency).

If you observe any of these symptoms, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. They will examine both eyes, inquire into diet and housing conditions, provide tips for substrates and vitamin supplements suitable for their wellbeing, as well as prescribe any necessary medication.

2. Salt water

Bearded dragon eyes can be particularly susceptible to infections, making this area one of the more vulnerable parts of their bodies. Any sign of swelling around their eyes, crusty eye surface or pus or discharge must be evaluated immediately by a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.

Rubbing or scratching one’s eyes is another telltale sign of discomfort and irritation, as this indicates they’re trying to clear out debris such as dirt or dust from their eyes.

One of the best home remedies for bearded dragon eye infections is to rinse with salt water. Reptiles use their mouths to clear away bacteria, so rinsing with this diluted solution of salt and water helps them rid themselves of the irritating germs that are irritating their eyes. Another option would be soaking their eyes in hot and cool water; this will calm their eye and reduce discharge, swelling, or inflammation. It is important to remember that diet deficiencies could often be the source of these issues so ensuring your reptile receives enough nourishment is key!

3. Tea tree oil

Bearded dragons can develop eye infections due to improper habitat conditions, diet imbalances and parasite infestation. Furthermore, they may experience nutritional deficiency due to insufficient Vitamin A from food sources.

Signs that your lizard may have an eye infection include swollen, cloudy or red eyes with sticky or scaly patches; their eyes could even bulge – this could indicate they are about to shed.

Eye infections in bearded dragons usually don’t pose serious health concerns and will respond well to treatment at home, however if you’re worried about its well-being it is wise to visit a reptile vet as they will be able to detect early signs of an infection and provide preventative strategies such as regular check-ups, proper hygiene practices, healthy diet options and suitable enclosures to keep your pet in optimal health. They will also assist in diagnosing what caused its eye issue before prescribing antibiotics if necessary.

4. Vitamin A

Bearded dragons are highly susceptible to eye infections caused by unsanitary terrariums or bacteria; these infections can lead to cloudy eyes and the loss of sight in an eye, potentially becoming fatal if left untreated. Therefore it’s crucial that bearded dragons receive regular check-ups, clean environments and healthy diets in order to remain healthy pets.

Eye problems in bearded dragons can be serious, so it’s essential that as soon as any symptoms arise you take your pet to a veterinarian immediately. Watering eyes could indicate foreign objects stuck in its eye socket or more serious conditions like infectious stomatitis (mouth rot). Make sure your beardie receives enough vitamin A through their diet by offering various sources and keep the terrarium free of any potential irritants or potential dangers.

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